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The Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Team work together to ensure the guidance in the SEN Code of Practice (2014) and Children and Families Act (2014) is implemented within the school to support our students and ensure they learn in a fully inclusive environment.


Our school offers a rich and varied curriculum which aims to give every student the opportunity to reach their full academic potential in a safe, caring and stimulating learning environment.  All staff work together to meet the needs of all our students and are committed to breaking down any barrier to learning which is preventing students from making the progress they are capable of. The SEND Team ensures that all staff are aware of SEND within the school and receive high quality information and training. Together with Subject Teachers, the Pastoral Teams and the Children’s Team, we aim to quickly identify students who are making limited progress; we look at which possible cognitive, emotional and/or social barriers can have an impact on the students’ development; we discuss, offer, evaluate ad hoc targeted interventions and support to meet the students’ needs. We recognise the importance of not only supporting our students’ academic progress but also the importance of developing their behavioural, emotional, and social skills to enable our students to become confident, independent learners. As a school, we work closely with the Local Authority, Health Professionals, and community organisations to find the most appropriate and effective support, not only for the students within our care but, as much as possible, for their families too. We ensure that parents are involved and aware of the SEND processes and procedures within our school and that they are informed of their child’s progress at regular points throughout the year. 


The following documents will give you more information in relation to SEND and how school and home can support students. The work we do within our school is outlined in the SEN Information Report.


SEND Policy& Information Report


The Medway Local Offer sets out the information about the provision which is available across the Local Authority for students with SEND and their families.


Local Offer | Medway Council

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