I have pleasure in attaching the report of our most recent OFSTED inspection which took place on 13th and 14th September 2022
Under the new OFSTED arrangements and, as a school already designated ‘Good’, we had what is called “A no grade inspection” – the intention being to simply check that we are still a Good school providing a quality education for our students. Inspectors visited lessons, spoke with staff and students and looked at the quality of student work. Without hesitation they all agreed that we continue to be a “Good” school with many aspects of our work being very good – as you will see from the glowing words int the report.
We were very pleased to maintain a Good rating, especially as the criteria to gain Good has been made more difficult since the last inspection. As a school we choose to do what is right for the students of the school – even if this would make achieving Outstanding more difficult – an example of this is our three year Key Stage 4 which allows a deeper understanding of the GCSE syllabus to be achieved. Please take time to read the report in full.
The most important comment in the report in my view is the very first sentence…
"Pupils and students say that they are happy and they feel safe"
A few other highlights for me and the staff revolve around.
The work we do to raise aspirations and increase ambition in all of our students
"The school's extensive careers programme ensures that pupils are well prepared for their next stage. Pupils have increasingly high aspirations for their future."
"The curriculum is ambitious. It is carefully structured to ensure that all pupils are well supported and actively encouraged. This includes pupils with SEND, those who are and those who are high performing."
"The curriculum extends beyond the academic, and actively supports pupils’ wider personal development."
In the Sixth Form
"Sixth-form leaders are focused on supporting teachers’ subject knowledge and ensuring high quality, personalised professional development. Students confirm that teachers are knowledgeable. They appreciate the range of courses on offer. Students feel listened to and value the support for their future career pathways."
"Those in the sixth form enjoy supporting younger pupils to achieve their best."
The outstanding work the school does in promoting personal development and welfare...
"Pupils and students are well supported by the personal, social and health education
(PSHE) programme"
"The curriculum extends beyond the academic, and actively supports pupils’ wider personal development. Pupils have a growing understanding of diverse cultures and ethnicities. Equality of opportunity is actively promoted. Pupils show respect for one another and contribute well to the school community"
Behaviour, which was very good…
"Pupils are kind to each other and behave very well in lessons. They move around the school respectfully and in an orderly manner. Pupils say that bullying is quickly dealt with when it does occur. Expectations for behaviour are very high."
"Relationships are positive."
"Pupils show respect for one another and contribute well to the school community."
Safeguarding which was of extremely high quality…
"There is a strong culture of safeguarding. The welfare, safety and well-being of all pupils are a high priority."
"Pupils are happy and safe. They know how to stay safe online. They receive age appropriate lessons on issues such as consent and sexual harassment. The support for safeguarding and welfare is of an extremely high quality."
The small items that need improving are:
Embedding reading strategies across the school
Ensure the PSHE curriculum is mapped across all subjects
We will of course push on with these and other items the school has identified itself.
I would like to express my absolute pride and thanks, not only to staff but to the students who were magnificent over the 2 days, showing great pride in being at Thomas Aveling…
"Pupils show a pride in their school. They work hard and want to do well."
I would also like also to thank all of you who responded to the OFSTED questionnaire, 95% of you said that you would recommend the school to other parents and EVERY single question asked at ParentView had an over 90% approval rating – quite phenomenal
Paul Jackson